Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 4

So I was going to take a half day off today but it looks like I gotta go in this morning, mainly because I'm kinda dumb. You see for those of you not in Canada today is a civic holiday which means NOTHING IS OPEN!!!! Luckily I found a hardware store that is open until 1pm so I can get some supplies that we need. Also I get my Little Miss Pants back this afternoon and I want to get some work done in case Daddy Chef gets stuck in traffic. So I'm gonna do a quick clean up at the apartment. Not that it's too bad, I haven`t really been here. Just a bit of cleaning up my bachelorette style cooking. Which I have to say is shockingly similar to bachelor cooking. See we're not that different guys!

Anyway I'm on my own this morning as The Breakable woman has to work and The GM (We really need a moniker for him!) has his parents visiting so he needs top clean. I'm kinda psyched though I can listen to all the crappy music I want with no one bothering me!!! Wish me luck guys!! And I'll Talk to you all again real soon!!!!

For all you fabulous people who hold sunday brunch/lunch heres a quick and easy monday night recipe for your fabulous leftovers!!!



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